Manual data download from driver cards and digital tachographs with VDO DLK 4.0.
We offer two options of Continental VDO Germany devices for manual data download from driver cards and digital tachographs.
VDO DLK 4.0 Blue
- This device is used solely for downloading files in the protected DDD format; it does not have the capability of analysis and report generation.
- It has the ability to archive data from all types and generations of digital tachographs and driver cards.
- By archiving only DDD files without analysis, you do not have insight into any violations committed by your drivers.
- The device supports data archiving from the latest generation SMART 4.0 tachographs.

VDO DLK 4.0 Red
This is the most advanced version of the archiving key offered by Continental VDO.
- The device has all the capabilities of the blue key.
- Additionally, it includes integrated software for basic analysis and detection of possible violations, driver’s driving and rest times.
- The software supports the analysis of up to 5 vehicles and 10 drivers at a time, and by deleting and inserting new vehicles and drivers into the memory, there is a possibility of analyzing an even larger number of vehicles and drivers.