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Daljinsko preuzimanje, arhiviranje podataka iz digitalnog tahografa i GPS praćenje pomoću RV Download 4G.


Remote data download, data archiving with RV Download 4G
from the digital tachograph, and GPS tracking.
All in one device.

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Perform your legal data download obligations using the RV download 4G device, regardless of the location of your vehicle

  • Automated process of remotely downloading data from the digital tachograph and driver card
  • Save time when monitoring driving and rest times and when tracking violations
  • Optimize the use of your vehicle and reduce costs
  • The client receives ddd files + detailed reports on activities and possible driver violations
  • Reduce driver waiting time caused by traffic congestion
  • Maximum reduction of the risk of non-compliance with data storage obligations

GPS – One solution for multiple functions:

  • Track real-time location
  • Monitor sensors
  • Travel history analysis
  • Receive alerts and notifications about important events
  • Android and iOS applications for mobile device tracking
  • Manage history and reports
  • Remote device control
  • Maintenance management
  • Set up customized billing plans
  • Multilingual interface
  • Accessible API for custom solution development and much more

Let’s modernize the domestic market

Vortex Tachograf d.o.o. brings modern solutions to the domestic market and makes domestic carriers competitive. This method of downloading data saves time and money, there is no need to go to the service to download data, but it is done completely automatically at set intervals.

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